Saturday, November 6, 2010

Nightmare In Learning English, Why Affraid?

When we talk about the English language many people who think that English was a nightmare, as most people think, that English was difficult to understand. Why can? Because in English there is the material that makes people lazy and fear to learn, like in pronunciation, speaking, grammar, and writing.
In pronunciation many people who struggle to read the symbols contained within a word, that most of them are afraid to say it. Because fear is what makes them reluctant to speak.
Also I think what makes the English language was a nightmare is about writing. Why is that? Because to write a sentence we must have the two items at the same time like, vocabulary and grammar. Since both materials are highly associated with writing, so imagine how difficult it is.
But all that can be solved in a way, to never lazy in learning, practicing writing, learning, and learning. As my lecturer said, the important thing is no intention to learn and practice. Mistake was reasonable, because we are still in process and we learn from our mistakes so we don't repeat them. Don't be afraid to try.

Vocabularies :

Nightmare : A very upsetting.
Fear : Bad that is happening or might happen.
Struggle : To experience dificulty and make a very great effort in order to do something.
Reluctant : Not willing to do something and therefore slow to do it.
Reasonable : Based on and therefore fair and practical.

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