Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Implication of Using Picture and Picture Method to Increase the Student’s Ability in Speaking Class

Hamka University

Widi Sriyanto


Because of lack of activation from English learner in the speaking class and lack of creativity from teacher when they are teaching in the class, so this paper will discuss about how to make learning process in speaking class to be more interesting and attractive through cooperative learning. In cooperative learning, there are many methods that can be used in speaking class, like picture and picture model. Picture and picture is a learning method which uses pictures as the teaching media and arranged them into a logical order. This method is helpful to develop student’s ability in speaking class because it is so fascinating and attractive for students.

Keyword: speaking, cooperative learning, picture and picture


The Implication of Using Picture and Picture Method to Increase 
the Student’s Ability in Speaking Class

Making the learning process to be more interesting is not easy.  Most of students get bored when they are learning English. Lack of understanding about English and lack of creativity from teacher that make learning process become uninteresting and inactive. Actually, many researchers have already research about the problem. One of the solutions from researchers is by using cooperative learning. Cooperative learning is one of the best solutions to help teachers in learning process. Because of in cooperative learning there are many methods to make learning process being active, creative, innovative, efficient, and enjoy. One of the best cooperative learning models which can be used in speaking class is picture and picture method.
Speaking is very important in learning English because speaking is the best tool to communicate and give information between each other.  People have to speak when they are going to explain or convey what is on their mind to other.
According to Yorkey (1990), speaking skill is a skill and like other skill, it must be practiced continuously.[1] It means that speaking is part of other skill which must be applied every time in daily activities.
Meanwhile, M. Dobson (1989) said that speaking is an ability when students can judge how accurate their selling and how they use sentences they have learned and it merely different when it is conveyed to writing skill, they usually produce rather mistakes but in free speaking, they have tendency to make mistakes that they wouldn’t make in writing.[2]
From those definitions, it can be summarized that speaking is one of the skills which is very important to be mastered and applied in real life although it is not structured like in writing, the most important people can catch the point between each other.
Many English teachers believe that students should learn the language by interacting to others. For this case, students should master several aspects in speaking, such as comprehension, pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and fluency because those aspects are important to be known in speaking field.
In brief, English teachers should be more creative in developing their teaching learning process to create good atmosphere, improve the students speaking skill, give attention to the speaking components’, and make the English lesson more exiting and interesting.
To make learning process in the classroom more interesting, the teacher has to have strategies to conduct the activities in the classroom especially in speaking class. What is the meaning of strategy? Strategy means a method or plan chosen to bring about a desired future, such as achievement of a goal or solution to a problem. Because of many problems that teachers face in speaking class, such as less of confidence, less of accuracy, and also less of comprehension from student, so the teachers must have best strategy to handle their class.
There are absolutely many strategies which can be used in speaking class, such as role play, jigsaw, talking stick, conversation, and also picture and picture. Teachers can choose one of the methods depending on the student’s necessity. It might be one of the methods that can be used as the best method in speaking class is picture and picture model.
Some of teachers already have known this method. This is it one of the most popular cooperative learning model which is usually called picture and picture. Picture and picture learning model is a learning method which uses pictures as the teaching media and arranged them into a logical order.[3] This model has already used in 19th centuries that developed by Johnson and Johnson brother.
Because of from the name already mentioned that this method trades on picture as a media in learning process. Actually, it is so simple to apply in classroom. Like another method that first of all teachers explain about the materials that teacher wants to discuss. After teacher has already explained the material to the student, teacher will show some pictures which relates to the material. Then, teacher calls on a student randomly to arrange the pictures to be a good order, and teacher asks the student about the reason why he/she arranges the pictures like that.
There are some advantages using picture and picture method, such as teacher can know more about student’s ability, training student thinks logically and systematically, and also increasing student’s interest becomes better.
There are several researches talking about picture and picture method and one of them from Rahayu (2010) who already research using this method.[4] From Rahayu’s research, before she used this method most of students have a less motivation when they learned the material in speaking class without variation.
However, after she used this method, students have more motivation when they learned the material in speaking class using picture and picture method, and they are more active in classroom than before using that method. Picture and picture can increase their ability in speaking class.
From her paper the writer’s inference that picture and picture method is one of the best solutions to increase student’s ability in many courses, as picture and picture is an active learning process, and it can increase student’s motivation in learning activities.
Although it is one of the best method, it has some weaknesses as many as the advantages of using this method, such as it spends a lot of time, some of the students be passive, teacher worries that will be confusion in classroom, it needs supporting facilities, tools, and enough cost.
From the explanation above, the writer can conclude that Picture and Picture is one of the best learning models which can be used to increase student’s ability in speaking class.
Absolutely, to make it effective and useful all of the requirements must be fulfilled to support learning process, such as the facilities and teacher’s knowledge about this method. If one of the requirements cannot be fulfilled, the implication of Picture and Picture method cannot be used properly.

[1] Richard C Yorkey. (1990). Study skill for students of English as a second language. New York: MC. Grow Hill

[2] M. Dobson. (January 1, 1989). Teaching for skill, Teaching English Forum, XXIV, p.30
[3] R.E.B. Santoso. (2011). Model Pembelajaran Picture and Picture, ras-eko.blogspot.com/2011//05/model-pembelajaran-picture-and-picture.html
[4] Rahayu. (2010). Penerapan metode pembelajaran picture and picture untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan   aktivitas belajar siswa kelas XI IPA 3 SMAN 8 Surakarta pada pembelajaran biologi T.A 2009/2010. Surakarta: Universitas Sebelas Maret, p.7


Dobson, M. (January 1, 1989). Teaching for skill. Teaching English Forum. XXIV.
Gunawan, I.(2006). Classroom learning and cooperative model.Available:             blog.unsri.ac.id/indragunawan/welcome/classroom-learning-and-cooperative-learning-model/mrdetail/3554/

Rahayu. (2010). Penerapan metode pembelajaran picture and picture untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan aktivitas belajar siswa kelas XI IPA 3 SMAN 8 Surakarta pada pembelajaran biologi T.A 2009/2010.Surakarta: Universitas Sebelas Maret.
Santoso, R.E.B. (2011). Model pembelajaran  picture and picture.Available:           http://ras-eko.blogspot.com/2011/05/model-pembelajaran-picture-and-picture.html.
Suprijono, A. (2009). Cooperative learning teori dan aplikasi paikem. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
Yorke, R.C. (1990). Study skill for students of English as a second language. New York: MC. Grow Hill.

Monday, April 1, 2013

The Benefit of Using Technology in Teaching

Technology is a part of human life. It makes and helps human life easier. Many people use technology in their daily activities to hold out their life as everything uses and needs technology. There are some advantages of using technology especially in teaching, such as making the instruction more interesting, making teacher easier to convey the material, and avoiding student from bored situation.
            Making the instruction interesting is not easy, but it becomes easy if the teachers use technology in their instruction. The teachers can create the interesting material when they are teaching their students in the class. They can use some kinds of technology to apply their material in the class. For example, the teacher can use some software or application that has made by someone based on their purpose without to make it first. The teachers only operate the software or application in their class and explain it to their students. It can make the teachers easier to convey materials without wasting their time and energy when they teach in the class. When the students learn with the interesting instruction, absolutely they will pay more attention to their teacher, and the instruction will be loved by students. So, technology is very helpful when teacher does not have any idea to make the interesting material.
            Another advantage, technology provides many types devices to help teacher in instruction. There are many types of media that technology has provided, such as audio, visual, audio-visual, computer, internet, etc. For instance, the writer takes internet as instructional media. One of the advantages the internet as instructional media can be used when the instruction held in long distance. That is only an example from one of the types media, it means that every media has strengths each other. So, the teachers can choose the instructional media according to their majors or purpose and apply it in their class. They only choose, apply, and adjust it in their class in order their students can follow the instruction nicely.
            And the last benefit, technology can help student to avoid bored situation. Because of most students get bored when they are studying in the class without variation, and it is the biggest problem that the teacher has to figure out. Technology can be one of the best solutions to help student from bored situation. The teacher can be more varied using technology, such as the teacher can use instructional tools or teaching aid like power point to convey the materials. When the students always learn from text book, of course they are going to be bored, so the teacher can use power point to convey the material from the text book showed in power point. As the writer explained previously, it can be more effective and interesting, for the students pay more attention in instruction. Beside, using technology can avoid students from bored situation, it can improve student’s ability and motivation as well. By the condition the teacher gives the assessment for their students with one of kinds instructional tool or teaching aid.   Absolutely, the students can make themselves more creative using technology in instruction.

            From the explanations above, the writer can conclude that using technology is very important in teaching learning process to make and improve the instruction better than before. But, those all have requirement itself. The teacher must know and understand kinds of instructional media itself. Because this is an effect from globalization and modernization, the teachers must follow the changes of the world. If there is a teacher cannot follow the changes, it means that he or she will be eliminated by others. Thus, technology is the best partner whenever and wherever for human especially in teaching. Every one can take many advantages from technology, and teacher can take it too.

Social Media

Social media is very familiar now. Everyone has already known kinds of social media from children until adult. Most people spend their time in cyber world just to visit in their social network. Many kinds of media can be used for everyone just to share about the feeling or sharing any information with other. Everyone can use kinds of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, WordPress, and so on. The most popular social network are Facebook and Twitter. Both social network have many users and easiest to use than others and also easy to sign up. Actually those social networks have some advantages if they use them correctly. One of them that I take to improve the writing skill unconsciously. Because of them people can improve their writing and also express or share about their feeling with others. Moreover, those can be used  to be more like in writing because everyone is free to express the feeling. Continually our writing can be developed step by step with improvement.

